Source code for neurotune.controllers

The controllers module provides different controller classes,
applicable to different simulations.

A controller object's job is to control simulations-
At a high level a controller objects  accepts a list of
parameters and chromosomes and (usually) returns
corresponding simulation data.
This is implemented polymporphically in subclasses.
Each controller class must therefore provide a run method, which is used by
the evaluator to run a simulation.

A controller must be able to accept simulation parameters (chromosomes)
from the evaluator.

The evaluator is therefore only concerned with assigining fitness to chromosomes.

On the whole this allows for deep modularization -
as long as the user can provide a controller which will (for instance)
reutrn sample and time arrays for arbitrary chromosome and parameter
lists a range of evaluators would be able to utilise it.

import os
import subprocess

import math

class __Controller():
    Controller base class

    def run(self,
        At a high level - accepts a list of parameters and chromosomes
        and (usually) returns corresponding simulation data. This is
	implemented polymporphically in subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError("Valid controller requires run method!")

[docs]class CLIController(__Controller): """ Control simulations via command line arguments executed through the Python os module. """ def __init__(self,cli_argument): self.cli_argument = cli_argument
[docs] def run(self, candidates, parameters, fitness_filename='evaluations'): #"Run simulation" for chromosome in candidates: self.chromosome=chromosome self.parameters=parameters #actually unneeded #this manipulation is slightly messy, done for conversion of chromosome #into something that can be executed on the shell chromosome_str = ''.join(str(e)+' ' for e in chromosome) cla = self.cli_argument+' '+fitness_filename+' '+chromosome_str print(cla), shell=True)
[docs]class NrnProject(__Controller): """ Run an nrnproject simulation based on optimizer parameters.""" def __init__(self, nrnproject_path, db_path, exp_id=None): self.sim_main_path=os.path.join(nrnproject_path, 'src/') self.nrnproject_path=nrnproject_path self.db_path=db_path self.exp_id=exp_id def __generate_cla(self): sim_var_string = self.__generate_sim_var_string() cla='python '+ self.sim_main_path + sim_var_string return cla def __generate_sim_var_string(self): sim_var_string='' for i in enumerate(self.parameters): sim_var_string+= ' "sim_var[\'' + i[1] +'\'] = ' + str(self.chromosome[i[0]]) + '\"' if self.exp_id !=None: sim_var_string+= ' "sim_var[\'exp_id\'] ='+ str(self.exp_id) + '\"' return sim_var_string
[docs] def run(self, candidates, parameters): #"""Run simulations""" import sqldbutils exp_data_array=[] for chromosome in candidates: self.chromosome=chromosome self.parameters=parameters exp_id = sqldbutils.generate_exp_ids(self.db_path) cla=self.__generate_cla() os.chdir(self.nrnproject_path+'/src/') #there should be a smarter way os.system(cla) print(self.db_path) print(exp_id) exp_data=sqldbutils.sim_data(self.db_path,exp_id) exp_data_array.append(exp_data) return exp_data_array
class __CondorContext(object): """Context for Condor-based grid""" def __init__(self, host, username, password, port):,username, password,port) def __split_list(self, alist, wanted_parts=1): length = len(alist) return [ alist[i*length // wanted_parts: (i+1)*length // wanted_parts] for i in range(wanted_parts) ] def __prepare_candidates(self,candidates,candidates_per_job=1): #Split candidate list into smaller ones (jobs): #and make a job list if optimizer_params.candidates_in_job != None: candidates_in_job=optimizer_params.candidates_in_job else: candidates_in_job=candidates_per_job num_candidates=len(candidates) ids=range(num_candidates) enumerated_candidates=zip(candidates,ids) num_jobs=num_candidates/candidates_in_job self.num_jobs=num_jobs self.job_list=self.__split_list(enumerated_candidates,wanted_parts=self.num_jobs) def __make_job_file(self,job,job_number): #write the header: filepath = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'run' + str(job_number) + '.sh') run_shell = open(filepath, 'w') run_shell.write('#!/bin/bash\n') run_shell.write('reldir=`dirname $0`\n') run_shell.write('cd $reldir\n') run_shell.write('directory=`pwd`\n') run_shell.write('pndirectory=$directory\n') run_shell.write('#Untar the file:\n') run_shell.write('/bin/tar xzf ./portable-neuron.tar.gz\n') tarfile_name=optimizer_params.tarred_nrnproj run_shell.write('/bin/tar xzf ./'+tarfile_name+'\n') #CandidateData_list=[] for enumerated_candidate in job: chromosome = enumerated_candidate[0] candidate_info = CandidateData(chromosome) exp_id = enumerated_candidate[1] candidate_info.set_exp_id(exp_id) candidate_info.set_job_num(job_number) self.CandidateData_list.append(candidate_info) nproj = controllers.NrnProjSimRun(optimizer_params.project_path, chromosome) run_shell.write('#issue the commands\n') run_shell.write('$pndirectory/ \ $directory/src/ "sim_var[\'exp_id\'] \ = ' + str(exp_id) + '\" ' + '"sim_var[\'''dbname''\'] \ = \'outputdb' + str(job_number) + '.sqlite\'"' + nproj.sim_var_string + '\n') run_shell.write('echo \'done\'\n') run_shell.write('cp $directory/sims/outputdb' + str(job_number) + '.sqlite $directory\n') #self.CandidateData_list=CandidateData_list run_shell.close() def __make_submit_file(self): """ write the condor submit files""" filepath = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'submitfile.submit') submit_file=open(filepath,'w') submit_file.write('universe = vanilla\n') submit_file.write('log = pneuron.log\n') submit_file.write('Error = err.$(Process)\n') submit_file.write('Output = out.$(Process)\n') submit_file.write('requirements = GLIBC == "2.11"\n') tarfile_name=optimizer_params.tarred_nrnproj submit_file.write('transfer_input_files = portable-neuron.tar.gz,'+tarfile_name+'\n') submit_file.write('should_transfer_files = yes\n') submit_file.write('when_to_transfer_output = on_exit_or_evict\n') #this is where you have to do the clever stuff: for shellno in range(self.num_jobs): submit_file.write('executable = run'+str(shellno)+'.sh\n') submit_file.write('queue\n') #finally close the submit file submit_file.close() def __build_condor_files(self,candidates,parameters,candidates_per_job=100): #prepare list of candidates to be farmed on grid: self.__prepare_candidates(candidates,candidates_per_job=100) #make the job files (shell scripts to be executed on the execute nodes) job_number=0 #run shell script number for job in self.job_list: self.__make_job_file(job,job_number) job_number+=1 #now make the submit file self.__make_submit_file() def __delete_remote_files(self,host): import ssh_utils command='rm -rf ./*' ssh_utils.issue_command(host, command) def __put_multiple_files(self,host,filelist,localdir='/',remotedir='/'): import ssh_utils for file in filelist: localpath=os.path.join(localdir,file) remotepath=os.path.join(remotedir,file) ssh_utils.put_file(host,localpath,remotepath)
[docs]class NrnProjectCondor(NrnProject): """ Run NrnProject-based simulations on a Condor-managed federated system """ def __init__(self,host,username,password,port=80, local_analysis=False,candidates_per_job=100): super(NrnProjectCondor,self).__init__() #other things like the number of nodes to divide the work onto and #host connection parameters need to go into this constructor #the more I think about it the less this seems like a good idea #though if local_analysis: else: #make a context which provides grid utilities self.context=__CondorContext(host,username,password,port) self.cpj=candidates_per_job def __condor_run(self,candidates,parameters): """ Run simulations on grid and analyse data locally (???I'm quite confused here...there is a mistake somewhere as the name doesn't match the description - which method is which?) Once each generation has finished, all data is pulled to local workstation in form of sqlite databases (1 database per job) and these are analysed and the fitness estimated sequentially the fitness array is then returned. """ import time import ssh_utils #Build submit and files, exp_id now corresponds #to position in chromosome and fitness arrays self.context.__build_condor_files(candidates,parameters, candidates_per_job=self.cpj) #This is a file handling block.. #delete everything in the ssh_utilse directory you're about to put files in self.__delete_remote_files__() filelist=os.listdir(self.tmpdir) #copy local files over, some stuff is missing here as it needs to be an attribute in the condor context self.__put_multiple_files(filelist,localdir=self.tmpdir) filelist=os.listdir(self.portableswdir) #copy portable software files over: self.__put_multiple_files(filelist,localdir=self.portableswdir) #issue a command to the message host to issue commands to the grid: ssh_utils.issue_command(context.messagehost, 'export PATH=/opt/Condor/release/bin:$PATH\ncondor_submit submitfile.submit') #make a list of the database files we need: self.jobdbnames=[] for job_num in range(self.num_jobs): jobdbname='outputdb'+str(job_num)+'.sqlite' self.jobdbnames.append(jobdbname) #wait till we know file exists: dbs_created=False pulled_dbs=[] # list of databases which have been extracted from remote server while (dbs_created==False): print('waiting..') time.sleep(20) print('checking if dbs created:') command='ls' remote_filelist=ssh_utils.issue_command(self.messagehost, command) for jobdbname in self.jobdbnames: db_exists=jobdbname+'\n' in remote_filelist if (db_exists==False): print(jobdbname+' has not been generated') dbs_created=False elif db_exists==True and jobdbname not in pulled_dbs: print(jobdbname+' has been generated') remotefile=optimizer_params.remotedir+jobdbname localpath=os.path.join(self.datadir,str(self.generation)+jobdbname) ssh_utils.get_file(self.messagehost,remotefile,localpath) pulled_dbs.append(jobdbname) #so that it is not extracted more than once #here pop-in the fitness evaluation if len(pulled_dbs)==len(self.jobdbnames): dbs_created=True #this block can be simplified, it need simply return exp_data containers fitness=[] for CandidateData in self.CandidateData_list: job_num = CandidateData.job_num dbname=str(self.generation)+'outputdb'+str(job_num)+'.sqlite' dbpath=os.path.join(self.datadir,dbname) exp_id=CandidateData.exp_id connection=sqldbutils.db_connect(dbpath) #establish a database connection query='SELECT numerical_value\ FROM output_params WHERE experiment_id=\ '+str(exp_id)+' AND parameter="fitness"' exp_fitness=sqldbutils.execute_query(connection,query) exp_fitness=exp_fitness.fetchall() exp_fitness=exp_fitness[0][0] print('Fitness:') print(exp_fitness) fitness.append(exp_fitness) self.generation+=1 return fitness ###ignore this for now### def __local_evaluate(self,candidates,args): import time analysis self.CandidateData_list=[] analysis_var=self.analysis_var #Build submitfile.submit and files: self.__buil_condor_files(candidates) #exp_id now corresponds to position in chromosome/fitness array fitness=[] #submit the jobs to the grid os.chdir(self.tmpdir) os.system('condor_submit submitfile.submit') #wait till you know file exists: dbs_created=False while (dbs_created==False): print('checking if dbs created:') for job_num in range(self.num_jobs): jobdbname='outputdb'+str(job_num)+'.sqlite' jobdbpath=os.path.join(self.datadir,jobdbname) print(jobdbpath) db_exists=os.path.exists(jobdbpath) if (db_exists==False): time.sleep(60) dbs_created=False break dbs_created=True for CandidateData in self.CandidateData_list: job_num = CandidateData.job_num dbname='/outputdb'+str(job_num)+'.sqlite' dbpath=self.datadir+dbname exp_id=CandidateData.exp_id exp_data=sqldbutils.sim_data(dbpath,exp_id) analysis=analysis.IClampAnalysis(exp_data.samples,exp_data.t,analysis_var,5000,10000) exp_fitness=analysis.evaluate_fitness(self.targets,self.weights,cost_function=analysis.normalised_cost_function) fitness.append(exp_fitness) for job_num in range(self.num_jobs): jobdbname='outputdb'+str(job_num)+'.sqlite' jobdbpath=os.path.join(self.datadir,jobdbname) print(jobdbpath) os.remove(jobdbpath) return fitness
[docs]class SineWaveController(__Controller): """ Simple sine wave generator which takes a number of variables ('amp', 'period', 'offset') and produces an output based on these. """ def __init__(self, sim_time, dt): self.sim_time = sim_time self.dt = dt
[docs] def run_individual(self, sim_var, gen_plot=False, show_plot=False): """ Run an individual simulation. The candidate data has been flattened into the sim_var dict. The sim_var dict contains parameter:value key value pairs, which are applied to the model before it is simulated. """ print(">> Running individual: %s"%(sim_var)) import numpy as np t = 0 times = [] volts = [] while t <= self.sim_time: v = sim_var['offset'] + (sim_var['amp'] * (math.sin( 2*math.pi * t/sim_var['period']))) times.append(t) volts.append(v) t += self.dt if gen_plot: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt info = "" for key in sim_var.keys(): info+="%s=%s "%(key, sim_var[key]) plt.plot(times,volts, label=info) plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=1) if show_plot: return np.array(times), np.array(volts)
[docs] def run(self,candidates,parameters): """ Run simulation for each candidate This run method will loop through each candidate and run the simulation corresponding to its parameter values. It will populate an array called traces with the resulting voltage traces for the simulation and return it. """ traces = [] for candidate in candidates: sim_var = dict(zip(parameters,candidate)) t,v = self.run_individual(sim_var) traces.append([t,v]) return traces